The One Hand #1 (2024) Loughridge & Muller Variant / Ram V. Writer / Laurence Campbell Artist / 1st Appearance of Detective Ari Nassar

#TheOneHand #1 (2024) #Loughridge & #Muller Variant / #RamV. Writer / #LaurenceCampbell Artist / 1st Appearance of #DetectiveAriNassar "One Hand Killer" Neo Novena detective, ARI NASSER is about to retire with an enviable record, until a brutal murder occurs, bearing all the hallmarks of the "One Hand Killer"…which should be impossible since Ari already put him away not once but twice in the years before. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #KeyComicBooks #ImageComics #ImageUniverse #image #ComicBooks