Sgt. Rock #19 (1991) Joe Kubert Cover / Bob Haney & Robert Kanigher Writers / Jim Aparo & Russ Heath Artists / Batman & Sgt. Rock Team-Up / 1st Appearance of "Mad Dog" D

#SgtRock #19 (1991) #JoeKubert Cover / #BobHaney & #RobertKanigher Writers / #JimAparo & #RussHeath Artists / #Batman & Sgt. Rock Team-Up / 1st Appearance of "Mad Dog" Dorn "Face The Devil!" & "The Night Batman Sold His Soul!" SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #VertigoComics #Vertigo #KeyComicBooks #DCComics #DCU #DCUniverse #KeyIssue #NerdyGifts