Cowboys & Aliens HC #1 (2006) Fred Van Lente & Andrew Foley Writers / Luciano Lima & Dennis Calero Artist / 1st Appearance of Zeke Johnson

#CowboysAndAliens HC #1 (2006) #FredVanLente & #AndrewFoley Writers / #LucianoLima & #DennisCalero Artist / 1st Appearance of #ZekeJohnson "Cowboys & Aliens" The Old West: An era when all a man could count on was his horse and his six-gun, and Indians fought a losing battle with European settlers. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #PLATINUMSTUDIOSCOMICS #KeyComicBooks #ComicBooks #KeyIssue ##RareComicBooks #NerdyGifts