Racer X #1 (1988) George Booker Artist / Tatsuo Yoshida Creator / Fred Schiller Story / 2nd Appearance of Racer X

#RacerX #1 (1988) #GeorgeBooker Artist / #TatsuoYoshida Creator / #FredSchiller Story / 2nd Appearance of Racer X "Racer X" A spin-off from #SpeedRacer by media licensing masters #NowComics. The adventures of Racer X, a racecar driver and special agent who is also secretly the brother of Speed Racer. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Racer%20X.html #NOWCOMICS #NOW #KeyComicBooks #ComicBooks #KeyIssue ##RareComicBooks #NerdyGifts