UNCANNY X-MEN #382 (2000) Tom Raney Cover and Pencils / Chris Claremont Story / 1st Appearance of the Lost Souls (Desolation, Dirge, Lament & Requiem)

UNCANNY X-MEN #382 (2000) Tom Raney Cover and Pencils / Chris Claremont Story / 1st Appearance of the Lost Souls (Desolation, Dirge, Lament & Requiem) "History Repeats" The X-Men try desperately to warn the Skrulls about the coming of Galactus while Gambit tries desperately to get Marrow some medical attention. Plot by Davis, script by Kavanagh. https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Xmen.html#382 #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #ComicBooks #NerdyGifts #KeyIssue