Titans Beast World #4 (2024) Clayton Henry Lenticular Variant / Tom Taylor Writer / Lucas Meyer Artist / 1st Team Appearance of the Bureau of Sovereignty

#Titans #BeastWorld #4 (2024) #ClaytonHenry #LenticularVariant / #TomTaylor Writer / #LucasMeyer Artist / 1st Team Appearance of the #BureauofSovereignty / Death of #GarfieldLogan as #BeastBoy EARTH-0 "Part 4" WITNESS THE FALL OF A TITAN! SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Titans%20Beast%20World.html #KeyComicBooks #DCComics #DCU #DCUniverse #KeyIssue #NerdyGifts