ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #569 (1999) 1st Appearances of Badmouth, Freight-Train, Roo & Fireworks

#ADVENTURESOFSUPERMAN #569 (1999) #TomGrummett Cover, #LouiseJonesSimonson Writer, #TomMorgan Artist, 1st Appearances of Badmouth, Freight-Train, Roo & Fireworks "POWER" The Metropolis Special Crimes Unit wants you! Maggie Sawyer and Dan "Terrible" Turpin are looking for some super-powered recruits for the S.C.U. Unfortunately, the metahuman candidates are arrogant, incompetent or both! SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #KeyComicBooks #DCComics #DCU #DCUniverse #KeyIssue