Doctor Strange #1 (1974) Frank Brunner Cover, Pencils, & Story, 1st Appearance of Silver Dagger, First time Agamotto's dimension/realm is shown

#DoctorStrange #1 (1974) #FrankBrunner Cover, Pencils, & Story, 1st Appearance of #SilverDagger, First time Agamotto's dimension/realm is shown "Through an Orb Darkly" – (18-page story) – While #Clea is practicing her mystical powers, #DrStrange's Sanctum is infiltrated by Silver Dagger, who believes Strange to be a demon in need of destruction. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #ComicBooks #NerdyGifts #KeyIssue