Santa Claus Fighting off a Gang of Zombified Christmas Elves / And Short Story (Very Short) by Me

Santa Claus Fighting off a Gang of Zombified Christmas Elves / And Short Story (Very Short) by Me Santa And His Zombified Elves (A Christmas Story) They come at him at all directions, wanting his brain, and or his flesh. He does his best to kick them away, slashes them with his two swords, but they keep coming, they're relentless his once nice elves. He is tiring yet they are not. "I am Santa and they will never take me down," he thinks grimly to himself, as he continues to slash away at the tops of their heads, blacken blood and brain flying in all directions. "Christmas shall not be delayed!" he screams at the horde. "Not today!" A. Hernandez 12 19 2023