
Showing posts with the label Batman Catwoman The Gotham War - Battle Lines #1 (2023)

X-Termination #1 (2013), Marvel's Voices #1 (2020),Wolverine and The X-Men Alpha and Omega #1 (2012), Batman Catwoman The Gotham War - Battle Lines #1 (2023), Knight Terrors Night's End #1 (2023)

  X-Termination #1 (2013) Ed McGuinness Cover / David López Pencils / David Lapham & Marjorie Liu & Greg Pak Story / Wolverine versus Nightcrawler / 1st Appearance of Exterminators "X-Termination: Part 1" THE X-TERMINATION EVENT STARTS HERE! Joining together the teams from Astonishing X-Men, Age of Apocalypse and X-Treme X-Men, and spinning out of the pages of Uncanny X-Force.  #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #ComicBooks #XMen Marvel's Voices #1 (2020) Variant Damion Scott Cover / Brian Stelfreeze Pencils / Vita Ayala Story / 1st Appearance of Goddess Spider THE WORLD OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW! Acclaimed podcast series focusing on telling the stories of diverse creators and their unique perspectives becomes a one-shot of brand new adventures! #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelC...